Alias is looking to the future and is already using the potential of Industry 4.0 to create new business models, increase plant productivity and improve product quality.
Last but not least, the commitment to improving the working conditions by making man and machine co-exist in increasingly safe and comfortable environments. Thanks to Alias’s new production line, today’s level of industrial automation is enhanced by new production technologies that connect the physical, digital and human environments. It is the sum of the advances in artificial intelligence, robotics, the Internet of Things, and other technologies.

At Alias the concept of “Fourth industrial revolution” (a term used globally for the first time in 2011 in Germany), represents the industry of the future, and specifically the idea of the smart factory, revolves around two elements:
- Smart production: new manufacturing technologies that create a synergy between all of the elements involved in the production or collaboration between the operator, machines, and hardware and software tools.
- Smart services: all of the “IT infrastructures” and techniques that allow systems to integrate; but also all the structures that enable the companies (supplier – customer) to integrate with each other collaboratively.

At Alias, the heart of the new line 4.0 is represented by cyber-physical systems (CPS), physical systems that are closely linked to computer systems and that are able to interact and collaborate with other systems. Production lines equipped with materials handling technologies, advanced robotics, collaborative robots, or cobots.

Advanced manufacturing solutions and collaboration are two other elements at the base of “enabling technologies”. Today, thanks to the interconnection and collaboration between systems, the global market landscape is changing, leading to mass customisation, making it attractive for the entire manufacturing sector, including that of security doors.
In the Settima di Gossolengo plants, essential elements such as the company know-how and the entire twenty-year experience of operators, together with advanced production systems – increasingly interconnected and modular – coexist, enabling greater flexibility and increased efficiency.