On the occasion of our twentieth anniversary, Alias’s story finds its place in the prestigious pages of sole24ore, one of Italy’s most prestigious economic and financial newspapers. An overview that...
Alias has renewed its range of colours and materials for it aluminium coverings, introducing a new selection of finishes by Ponzio The continuous search for technical solutions and the desire...
The work-in-progress on the new Alias production line continues. Advanced technology combined with “know-how”`. Men and machines, a simple but essential combination that guarantees quality. Alias continues to invest in...
We have been protecting your most precious objects for 20 years. Dream, Alias’s internal security door is waiting for you in the December issue of Cose di Casa, already available...
When several people define the company where they work as a “family”, it always merits exploration and reflection. It is easy just to write it in the “ABOUT US” section...
Protect the entire perimeter of your home with Defender and Fighter, a complement to Alias security. The autumn and winter months are perfect for installing grilles and burglar protection systems....