Wood, for example – explains Vaccari – went from €400 per cubic metre a few weeks ago to the current €1200, again per cubic metre. Aluminium went from €3 to €5.50.
In the Yahoo! portal finance section Dario Vaccari illustrates the particularly critical situation linked to increases in energy prices and raw materials. “In spite of the difficulties, we are currently engaged with a major expansion of the production department, even if price increases show no sign of decreasing”. This is a passage from the article.
Everything has gone up, we read in a note, but this market instability does not just concern the energy sector. Nowadays the validity of a quote expires after a very short time because the prices are continuously changing. In order not to lose money or affect the expenses of other Italians, who must always be protected and safeguarded, we need to recalculate them almost every day”. A general increase that also has negative, retroactive effects.

For the full article: https://it.finance.yahoo.com/notizie/imprese-vaccari-alias-prezzi-alle-133023651.html?guccounter=2
See also: https://www.aliasblindate.com/dario-vaccari-su-askanews/